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using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting;
using Serialize.Linq.Serializers;
using Serialize.Linq.Tests.Internals;
using System;
using System.Linq.Expressions;
namespace Serialize.Linq.Tests
public class FilmDto
public string Name { get; set; }
public DateTime ReleaseDate { get; set; }
public class HowToSerializeAnExpressionTests
public TestContext TestContext { get; set; }
private static IQueryable<FilmDto> GetFilms()
return new List<FilmDto>
new FilmDto { Name = "Gravity", ReleaseDate = new DateTime(2013, 10, 15) },
new FilmDto { Name = "Blade Runner", ReleaseDate = new DateTime(1975, 2, 28) },
new FilmDto { Name = "Superman", ReleaseDate = new DateTime(1985, 6, 6) },
public void BasicExpressionSerialization()
var predicate = (Expression<Func<FilmDto, bool>>)(film => film.Name.ToLower().Contains("n"));
var serializer = new ExpressionSerializer(new BinarySerializer());
var bytes = serializer.SerializeBinary(predicate);
var predicateDeserialized = serializer.DeserializeBinary(bytes);
this.TestContext.WriteLine("{0} serializes to bytes with length {1}", predicate, bytes.Length);
ExpressionAssert.AreEqual(predicate, predicateDeserialized);
var films = GetFilms();
var expectedCount = films.Where(predicate).Count();
// a simple example of executing an expression, leveraging IEnumerable
var actualCount = films.Where((Expression<Func<FilmDto, bool>>)predicateDeserialized).Count();
Assert.AreEqual(expectedCount, actualCount);
// constructing the same call using more Expressions
Expression whereMethodCall = Expression.Call(
new[] { films.ElementType },
// executing the expression, leveraging IQueryable
actualCount = films.Provider.CreateQuery<FilmDto>(whereMethodCall).Count();
Assert.AreEqual(expectedCount, actualCount);
// Bear in mind this issue with .NET 45:
// reproducible if you use: (film => film.ReleaseDate < new DateTime(1990, 01, 01))
// (which is fixed with .NET 451!)
// For finer grain support:
If you want to swap out the BinarySerializer for Json, this would be the payload:
"S":"Boolean Contains(System.String)"
"S":"System.String ToLower()"
"S":"System.String Name"
If you want to swap it out for the XmlSerializer, this would be the payload:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<E xmlns="" xmlns:i="" i:type="L">
<B i:type="MC">
<E i:type="C">
<V xmlns:a="" i:type="a:string">n</V>
<S>Boolean Contains(System.String)</S>
<O i:type="MC">
<A />
<S>System.String ToLower()</S>
<O i:type="M">
<E i:type="P">
<S>System.String Name</S>
<E i:type="P">