Wednesday, 28 August 2013

How to find absolute position of control

The following code from MSDN come in very handy today, just change “this” to your control and it’ll give your the absolute position of your control on the page:

GeneralTransform gt = this.TransformToVisual(Application.Current.RootVisual as UIElement);
Point offset = gt.Transform(new Point(0, 0));
double controlTop = offset.Y;
double controlLeft = offset.X;

Thursday, 15 August 2013

How to flip a path in xaml

For those with Blend installed simply select the path and set the transform properties:


If you don’t have Blend then you can use on the following properties:

<Path Width="50" 
Data="F1M1719.66,218.12L1735.66,246.166 1751.66,274.21 1719.66,274.21 1687.66,274.21 1703.66,246.166 1719.66,218.12z"
<CompositeTransform Rotation="-180"/>